Saturday 8 December 2012

To say "hi"

HEYYY! So my names Becca...but some call me Dino because RAWR! (i'm scary, hehee:3)

Well, this whole blog thing is kinda new to me but i'm sure i'll pick it up. I basically wanted to share my love of music with the world.

Everyone says that they like or dislike a certain 'genre' but me...i don't care what kind of genre it is as long as the lyrics speak to long as there's beauty and meaning and love or devotion or something that just makes you smile. Music has ALWAYS been part of my life, it's been there through "ups and downs" when no else could, when no one else tried, when no one else was bothered. Music is like my bestfriend and this one really is forever :)

Dino xox   <3

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